Technomediation and cybermediation: are they two different concepts in online conflict resolution?

Technomediation and cybermediation: are they two different concepts in online conflict resolution?


In today's digital age, conflicts and disputes are not limited to physical spaces. With the rise of technology, online platforms have become a key factor in dealing with disagreements and conflicts. As a result, the field of dispute resolution has evolved to encompass online mediation techniques. Two key concepts in it are technomediation and cybermediation. While these terms may sound similar, they represent different approaches to resolving disputes online. In this article, we will explore the differences between technomediation and cybermediation and highlight their importance in the field of online conflict resolution.

Technomediation implies the use of converging technologies from different origins (it is like a puzzle putting its pieces together), for example, in synchronous events, to verify identity, manage documents, proceed to a videoconference and sign the mediation agreement, while cybermediation It is based on technology specifically designed to address conflict resolution online.

Both concepts are related to online dispute resolution and are crucial in helping participants find a fair solution that meets their needs. The aim of this article is to explore and highlight its importance within the field of online conflict resolution and the professionals' understanding of what each word specifically implies. 



Technomediation refers to the use of technology as a tool or platform to facilitate conflict resolution. It involves the integration of various technological tools, such as video conferencing, online collaboration platforms, and virtual reality, to create an environment conducive to conflict resolution. Technomediation focuses on taking advantage of available technology to improve communication and understanding between the parties involved in a dispute. This approach allows for greater accessibility, as it removes geographic barriers and allows people from different locations to participate in the process . In addition, technomediation offers flexibility in terms of the use of tools organized by the conflict operator to the best of his knowledge and understanding.



On the other hand, cybermediation specifically refers to the use of online platforms and software designed explicitly for conflict resolution purposes. Unlike technomediation, which uses various technological tools, cybermediation relies on dedicated online mediation platforms that provide a structured framework for resolving disputes. These platforms often incorporate features such as secure communication channels, document sharing capabilities, and virtual meeting rooms. Cybermediation platforms are designed to guide parties through the mediation process, ensuring that all necessary information is exchanged and facilitating negotiations in one place and with a comprehensive process. This approach offers a standardized and systematic protocol for online dispute resolution, promoting efficiency and transparency.



In conclusion, technomediation and cybermediation are two different concepts within the field of online conflict resolution. While technomediation emphasizes the use of technology as a facilitator for communication and who determines which tools are going to be used is the mediator, cybermediation focuses on the use of specific online platforms created to guide the parties through the process. comprehensive mediation. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages.


Understanding the differences between these concepts is crucial for professionals in the field of conflict resolution, as it allows them to choose the most appropriate approach based on the specific needs of the parties involved. As technology continues to advance, the importance of technomediation and cybermediation in online dispute resolution will only grow, providing people with efficient and accessible methods to resolve disputes in the digital age.

Legal professionals, along with social justice champions, need to be aware of each of the concepts in order to make informed decisions about the most effective and humane way to address conflicts. Therefore it is important that they support their clients in the relevant deliberations towards a viable solution. Professionals must ensure respect and adaptation of the process according to each case.

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